IRIX 6.2 Development Libraries
SGI IRIX 6.2 Development Libraries.iso
Text File
199 lines
ccccssssffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu,,,,zzzzddddffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu((((3333FFFF)))) ccccssssffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu,,,,zzzzddddffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu((((3333FFFF))))
ccccssssffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu,,,, zzzzddddffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu ---- Multiple 1D, Complex to Real, Inverse Fast Fourier
_F_o_r_t_r_a_n :
ssssuuuubbbbrrrroooouuuuttttiiiinnnneeee ccccssssffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu(((( ssssiiiiggggnnnn,,,, nnnn,,,, pppp,,,, aaaarrrrrrrraaaayyyy,,,, iiiinnnncccc,,,, llllddddaaaa,,,, ccccooooeeeeffff ))))
iiiinnnntttteeeeggggeeeerrrr ssssiiiiggggnnnn,,,, nnnn,,,, pppp,,,, iiiinnnncccc,,,, llllddddaaaa
rrrreeeeaaaallll aaaarrrrrrrraaaayyyy((((llllddddaaaa,,,,pppp)))),,,, ccccooooeeeeffff((((nnnn++++11115555))))
ssssuuuubbbbrrrroooouuuuttttiiiinnnneeee zzzzddddffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu(((( ssssiiiiggggnnnn,,,, nnnn,,,, pppp,,,, aaaarrrrrrrraaaayyyy,,,, iiiinnnncccc,,,, llllddddaaaa,,,, ccccooooeeeeffff ))))
iiiinnnntttteeeeggggeeeerrrr ssssiiiiggggnnnn,,,, nnnn,,,, pppp,,,, iiiinnnncccc,,,, llllddddaaaa
rrrreeeeaaaallll****8888 aaaarrrrrrrraaaayyyy((((llllddddaaaa,,,,pppp)))),,,, ccccooooeeeeffff((((nnnn++++11115555))))
_C :
####iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddeeee <<<<fffffffftttt....hhhh>>>>
iiiinnnntttt ccccssssffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu (((( iiiinnnntttt ssssiiiiggggnnnn,,,, iiiinnnntttt nnnn,,,, iiiinnnntttt pppp,,,, ffffllllooooaaaatttt ****aaaarrrrrrrraaaayyyy,,,,
iiiinnnntttt iiiinnnncccc,,,, iiiinnnntttt llllddddaaaa,,,, ffffllllooooaaaatttt ****ccccooooeeeeffff))));;;;
iiiinnnntttt zzzzddddffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu (((( iiiinnnntttt ssssiiiiggggnnnn,,,, iiiinnnntttt nnnn,,,, iiiinnnntttt pppp,,,, ddddoooouuuubbbblllleeee ****aaaarrrrrrrraaaayyyy,,,,
iiiinnnntttt iiiinnnncccc,,,, iiiinnnntttt llllddddaaaa,,,, ddddoooouuuubbbblllleeee ****ccccooooeeeeffff))));;;;
ccccssssffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu and zzzzddddffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu compute the P real sequences of N samples each,
from their Fourier transform. The i-th index f(i) of a sequence of N
samples, with Fourier transform F(k) is equal to:
f(i) = Sum ( W^(i*k) * F(k) ), for k =0, ..., (N-1)
W = exp( (Sign*2*sqrt(-1)*PI) / N )
The Inverse Fourier transforms are performed in-place, so the input
Fourier transform is overwritten by the final sequence output. As the
output sequences have real values, only the first half of the transform
is needed. The (N-k)-th sample of the transform would be the conjugate of
the k-th sample.
However, some extra space is necessary. For an N sample output sequence,
the input complex transform takes ((N+2)/2) complex values. This
represents either N+1(odd case) or N+2(even case) real values, that's one
or two more real values than the output real sequence.
SSSSIIIIGGGGNNNN Integer specifying which sign to be used for the expression of W
(see above) - must be either +1 or -1. Unchanged on exit.
NNNN Integer, the number of samples in each sequence. Unchanged on exit.
PPPP Integer, the number of sequences. Unchanged on exit.
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 1111
ccccssssffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu,,,,zzzzddddffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu((((3333FFFF)))) ccccssssffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu,,,,zzzzddddffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu((((3333FFFF))))
AAAARRRRRRRRAAAAYYYY Array containing the samples of the sequence to be transformed.
On input, the element "i" of the sequence "j" is stored as A(i*inc,j) in
_F_o_r_t_r_a_n , and A[i*inc+j*lda] in _C.
On exit, the array is overwritten by its transform.
IIIINNNNCCCC Integer, increment between two consecutive elements of a sequence.
Unchanged on exit.
LLLLDDDDAAAA Integer, leading dimension: increment between the first samples of
two consecutive sequences. Unchanged on exit.
CCCCOOOOEEEEFFFFFFFF Array of at least ( N + 15 ) elements. On entry it contains the
Sines/Cosines and factorization of N. COEFF needs to be initialized with
a call to scfftm1dui or dzfftm1dui. Unchanged on exit.
EEEExxxxaaaammmmpppplllleeee ooooffff CCCCaaaalllllllliiiinnnngggg SSSSeeeeqqqquuuueeeennnncccceeee
Working on 64 sequences of 1024 real values each. We successively apply
a Direct Fourier Transform, an Inverse Fourier Trasnform and finally
scale back the result by a factor 1/N (1/1024.)-
This sequence DirectFFT-InverseFFT-Scaling is equivalent to the identity
operator and the final sequence should be equal (with round-off
precision) to the initial sequence.
Elements of each sequence are stored with increment (stride) 1, and the
offset between the first element of two succesive sequence (leading
dimension) is 1026 (1026 >= 1024+2).
real array(0:1026-1,0:64-1), coeff(1024+15)
call csfftm1dui( 1024, coeff)
call csfftm1du( -1, 1024, 64, array, 1, 1026, coeff)
call scfftm1du( 1, 1024, 64, array, 1, 1026, coeff)
call sscalm1d( 1024,64,(1./real(1024)),array,1,1026)
#include <fft.h>
float array[64*1026], *coeff;
coeff = csfftm1dui( 1024, NULL);
csfftm1du( -1, 1024, 64, array, 1, 1026, coeff);
csfftm1du( 1, 1024, 64, array, 1, 1026, coeff);
sscalm1d( 1024, 64, 1./(float)1024, array, 1, 1026);
NNNNOOOOTTTTEEEE____1111 :::: The Direct and Inverse transforms should use opposite signs -
Which one is used (+1 or -1) for Direct transform is just a matter of
NNNNOOOOTTTTEEEE____2222 :::: The Fourier Transforms are not normalized so the succession
Direct-Inverse transform scales the input data by a factor equal to the
size of the transform.
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 2222
ccccssssffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu,,,,zzzzddddffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu((((3333FFFF)))) ccccssssffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu,,,,zzzzddddffffffffttttmmmm1111dddduuuu((((3333FFFF))))
fft, csfftm1dui, zdfftm1dui, scfftm1du, dzfftm1du, csfftm1du, zdfftm1du,
sscalm1d, dscalm1d
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 3333